With musicians:
Miranda Zickler (Kuinka),
Little Wins,
Lacey Brown
+ spoken word poet
+ live painter Lindsey Schoeneman
@ Fremont Abbey, 7:30pm show, 7pm doors, all ages, some seating
Music | Poetry | Visual | Collaboration
The Round features three songwriters sharing the stage, sometimes with a backing band. They alternate with a slam poet while one or two visual artists create live throughout the show and paintings are available for silent auction afterwards. Audience members sit quietly a few feet away from a low stage, all together to create a unique evening of high quality & collaborative arts. Look forward to a unique finale on most shows, and often some crowd participation. Musicians can only play the Seattle Round once a year, so it’s always a unique mix. The Round has featured major acts like Damien Jurado, Nikkita Oliver, Mary Lambert, David Bazan, Haley Heynderickx, Buddy Wakefield, and many more.