| Ongoing: Open Arts Mic 1st & 3rd TUE @ Fremont Abbey, The Moth: Most 1st THU & 3rd FRI
| BUY TICKETS – Or Scroll Down for All Shows | Google Calendar | Past |
Shortlist: 1/17 Mariee Siou | 1/17 The Moth StorySLAM: Happy Accidents | 1/18 The Not-Creepy Community Club | 1/19 The QUEER Not-Creepy Gathering for People who want to Fall in Love | 1/24 Bandit Theater (Comedy): First Date (7p) & Almost Yours (9p) | 1/25 Mary Ocher | 1/31 The Round: Drew Martin, Hezza Fezza, Hayward Sun, Siolo Thompson
2/6 The Moth StorySLAM: LOVE HURTS | 2/8 Stuart Murdoch (of Belle and Sebastian): Nobody’s Empire Book Tour | 2/8 Mariee Siou, Wolfchild duo | 2/8 Realization Process Monthly Workshops w/ Sono Hashisaki | 2/11 Cheryl Wheeler with Kenny White | 2/13 Crowdsource Choir: Songs of Soul – A Black History Month Sing-Along | 2/14 Valentines Candlelight Special with Clinton Fearon, Arami Walker | 2/15 The Not-Creepy Gathering for People Who Want to Fall in Love | 2/20 Windborne | 2/21 The Moth StorySLAM: OBLIVIOUS | 2/23 Martin Kerr | 2/27 The Round (Black History Month) with Jamaar & friends | 2/28 The O. & Youngs Tour: Jenny Owen Youngs and Jenny O. | 2/28 Bandit Theater (Comedy): Almost Yours (7p) & Mad Science (9p)
3/1 Dawn Richard & Spencer Zahn | 3/7 Minami featuring Brittany Allyson and Tyler Hamilton | 3/10 Wesley Stace & Mare Winningham | 3/13 The Moth StorySLAM: Beef | 3/14 Morgan Myles | 3/15 The 20s-40s Not-Creepy Gathering for People Who Want to Fall in Love | 3/15 The Not-Creepy Community Club | 3/16 The 40+ Not-Creepy Gathering for People Who Want to Fall in Love | 3/23 Victoria Canal | 3/28 Bandit Theater (Comedy): Mad Science (7p show) & First Date (9p) | 3/28 The Moth StorySLAM: FRIENDS | 3/29 Luca Fogale
4/3 The Moth StorySLAM: BLOOM | 4/5 Martha Wainwright | 4/8 Ryan Montbleau (Solo) | 4/11 The Moth StorySLAM: ALL NIGHTER | 4/24 Josh Radnor | 4/25 Bandit Theater (Comedy): Ink Prov (7p show) & First Date (9p show) | 4/27 Melissa Ferrick | 5/1 The Moth StorySLAM: ONLY IN SEATTLE | 5/16 The Moth StorySLAM: DRAMA | 5/17 Mom Prom Fundraiser | 6/5 The Moth StorySLAM: HOSPITALITY | 6/20 The Moth StorySLAM: GO YOUR OWN WAY