Project Originally Launched by Stephon Dorsey – a singer/songwriter and creative from Detroit, MI who worked with us here in Seattle for a while. His artistry, which is fiercely expressed through not only sound and performance but photography, fashion, and graphic design, represents the emotions and values of his people and their roots. Growing up in Detroit, he spent many summers not only stitching together song lyrics with interesting plots, and twists, but writing short stories that featured complicated worlds of fantasy and fiction. He received most of his formal training from the University of Michigan School of Music where he studied Performing Arts Technology and Voice as well as an array of other focused writing and arts courses.
He believes one way that the world can be impacted is through the sharing of stories to offer insight on situations that we may or may not have a chance to experience ourselves. Currently, Stephon spends most time singing, writing songs and producing music while freelancing as a graphic designer. www.goodsteph.com
Stephon moved back to Detroit and the MY ABBEY STORY Project is not currently active. It is now managed by other Abbey Arts staff when time allows. Have questions, comments or want to submit an artist interview? Want to volunteer and get involved? Email pr(at)fremontabbey.org